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After working more than twenty years in the 2D animation industry (throw in a pandemic as an overhaul catalyst!), I felt it was time to stretch out and take a chance on my own creative path.  


The Coronation Project was borne out of joining 2 passions: Illustration and animals. In the case of the latter, exploring where we as humans may have missed the mark, in the ways we see and treat our earthly cousins.


The concept is simple:

all living beings inherently possess their own unique nobility, though often undetected or dismissed through a too-narrow, human lens.

My hope is to help expand a greater awareness of just how magnificent our whole animal kingdom truly is. And like us, non-human animals are deserving of agency, freedom and dignity.


What better symbol of this reverence, than a crown?

--Jenny Donovan

NEW GRAPHIC CROWN_mauve copy_edited_edit
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