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It all started as an idea, back in 2016.


At the time, there had been massive media coverage over the death of Harambe, a gorilla held captive in a zoo. Several months earlier, it seemed the world over was saddened and outraged by the killing of Cecil the lion.


These stories weighed particularly heavily on me. How could the lives of these beautiful creatures be so wantonly cast aside, at the hands of humans? And while I couldn't undo what had been done, I wanted so desperately to counter such an abject dismissal of life and rightful dignity. 


This Lion, this gorilla and countless beings before them... All races from land sea and sky, are diverse expressions of unique, innate nobility. 

Recently, the heart of The Coronation Project, "The Biggie" has become the focal point of my day-to-day work. The true stories of Cecil, Harambe, and many more will make their way on the pages of a book.... But they will also be reimagined, through illustration, at their coronation.

More updates to follow as The Biggie evolves!

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Since very early childhood, I've harboured a deep love and fascination for animals. Over the years, I've felt the pull to move beyond a passive affection, the more I learned of the many systems of exploitation which by their nature, dismiss non-humans as though their sole purpose was to serve us. This entitlement is so deeply woven into our culture, that we barely question or notice it.

So much so that living beings, under many laws, are not granted the most basic of rights. Today still, despite the overwhelming scientific evidence that recognises animals as sentient, our laws still claim that many are little more than objects. Things. This oversight allows for unimaginable suffering, often out of sight from an otherwise compassionate public.

Another branch of The Coronation Project, seeks to help support those who challenge laws by way of direct action. Many risk their own freedom to bring the plight of animals to the forefront.


When all petitions, protests and marches do little to advance the protection and safety of animals, many opt to escalate the issue by way of civil disobedience. Historically, social justice movements have taught us that a necessary major overhaul does not come quietly. Compassion on Trial, is a branch of the Coronation Project which seeks to support those who risk much for the animals. We tell their stories and raise funds through art. Learn more here.

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The holidays were a particularly tough time during the pandemic, when many families and friends were unable to celebrate together due to lockdown restrictions. I thought it would be nice to design a series of greeting cards, and send each other well-wishes, given we all were "staying home". While nothing could compare to gathering in-person, there was something comforting in receiving a little card in the mail. My first print series of crowned animals was released, and sold out.

Since then I design new cards every holiday season. Each new animal, crowned in their own unique headpiece. Some are simple or wonky, while others are opulent and grand. It's up to each animal to reveal who they are as I draw them out!

You can see my latest designs on sale

For all work outside The Coronation Project, including my work in 2D animation, be sure to visit:

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